



Doses of Epa and Dha - What Dosage of Epa and Dha is Ideal in Fish Oil Supplements?

Are you wondering what dosage of Epa and Dha you should look for in a capability omega-3 fish oil supplement? This description discusses the ideal dose of Epa and Dha and explains why you should look for more of one than the other.

Dha and Epa are different forms of omega-3 fatty acids, and they are needful nutrients for the body (meaning they can't be created by the body and must be gotten through other means).

Fish Oil Supplements Dosage

Dha is by far the most complicated and useful omega-3 fatty acid for the body. It plays a key role in maintaining wholesome thinking performance- such as cognitive and neuronal function, focus, memory, and learning ability.

Doses of Epa and Dha - What Dosage of Epa and Dha is Ideal in Fish Oil Supplements?

Epa, although not as leading as Dha, is still used by the body to help articulate circulatory and cardiac health. It also aids in brain health by increasing blood flow to it and influencing hormones and the immune system.

Dha consists of 22 carbon chain bonds and 6 duplicate bonds, while Epa consists of 20 carbon chain bonds and 5 duplicate bonds.

When looking for a capability fish oil supplement, all the time make sure that there's more Dha omega-3 in it than Epa omega-3. This is because:

1) Dha is more useful for the body and

2) Dha can be converted to Epa (drop 2 bonds) much easier than Epa can be converted to Dha (add two bonds).

So what dose of Epa and Dha should you look for in an omega 3 fish oil supplement?

Ideally, you want to have more Dha than Epa in a fish oil supplement. As a rule of thumb, never get a brand that has less than 250 mg of Dha and 100 mgs of Epa. And if you can't tell how much of each is in each capsule, then don't even bother getting that brand. There's probably minimal amounts in them.

Besides the dosage of Epa and Dha in a fish oil, there are other things you should look for in a capability brand as well. And trust me, it's best to know Now what to look for instead of learning through trial-and-error as you go along.

Doses of Epa and Dha - What Dosage of Epa and Dha is Ideal in Fish Oil Supplements?
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Tube. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at

Tags: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest No URL

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Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Should You Take on a Daily Basis?

In this day and age, there is a general consensus among medical circles that taking fish oil supplements rich in omega 3 fatty acids can dramatically improve your health. However, what is not clear and causes frustration among people, is the fish oil dosage.

Different products have different recommendations about how many capsules you should consume on a daily basis. Why is this happening and how much is good enough? Are there to any health complications if we exceed the recommended dosage?

Fish Oil Supplements Dosage

As you realize, there are no definite, clear cut answers that apply to everyone. Each one of us has different requirements, depending on our medical profile. That's why I should point out now that you should always consult with your personal physician before you start taking any supplements.

Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Should You Take on a Daily Basis?

In general, the ideal fish oil dosage is based on two variables: The first has to do with the content breakdown of the fish oil capsule in terms of omega 3 fatty acids, while the second has to do with your particular medical condition.

Content in omega 3 acids

As you probably know, fish oil capsules contain varying amounts of omega 3 essential fatty acids. The most important of these are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Because DHA can readily convert to EPA if the body needs it but the converse is not true, then what determines the dosage needed is the DHA concentration. The higher the concentration, the less the fish oil dosage you require.

That's the reason why different manufacturers recommend different daily dosages, even if the weight of the capsule (usually 1000 mg) is the same.

Typically, provided that the percent concentration of DHA is 20% to 25% minimum, the majority of people without any particular medical disorders, don't require more than 2 capsules per day (that's 2 grams).

Medical condition

Now, the situation gets trickier when you happen to suffer from a particular medical condition.

For example, The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people who have high triglycerides take a fish oil supplement with 2 grams to 4 grams (2000 mg to 4000 mg) of EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids.

For people who are diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD), also known as coronary artery disease (CAD), the AHA recommends a daily fish oil dosage of 1 gram.

I should stress here again that every case is different and that you should always take fish oil under the supervision of your health care provider.

Fish oil overdose

It is not known exactly what to expect from a fish oil overdose, but it is likely that the effects will vary depending on the fish oil dosage and whether it was taken with any medications, alcohol, or street drugs.

Fish oil overdose is likely to cause any of the usual fish oil side effects (such as fishy aftertaste and burping), but perhaps more severely. In particular, stomach upset can be expected. An overdose could also increase the risk of bleeding, especially if blood thinning or high blood pressure prescription drugs are also taken in addition to supplements.

To sum up, as a general advice stick to omega 3 fish oil for which its manufacturer does not recommend more than 4 grams per day. Note that the higher the quantity of capsules you have to swallow each day, the greater the likelihood of you having some bothersome side effects such as fish aftertaste, upset stomach or burping. Don't overdose (unless your doctor tells you).

Another small tip is this: There is no need to take all of this fish oil all at once; you may find that splitting it up into two daily doses may decrease some of the unpleasant side effects. 

Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Should You Take on a Daily Basis?
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Video Clips. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at

Tags: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest No URL

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Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Do You Need For Optimum Health?

If you've heard about the numerous health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, you've probably wondered about proper fish oil dosage. It's an important question, and the answer depends upon the individual. In this article, we'll cover the recommended supplementation for three particular cases, which should give you enough information to decide what's best for you.

But first, why take a fish oil supplement anyway? The answer lies in human biology: our brains are comprised of 60% fats, and about half of that fat is DHA (short for docosahexaenoic acid). Our brains need sufficient omega3 in order to function properly.

Fish Oil Supplements Dosage

Unfortunately, the majority of us don't get enough of this important nutrient in our daily diets. This results in a host of diseases and ailments that could be prevented, or reduced, with some quality supplementation.

Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Do You Need For Optimum Health?

Research has shown that omega 3 essential fatty acids can prevent coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and rheumatoid arthritis aches and pains. And that's just for starters. It can guard against Crohn's Disease, inflammatory bowel disorder, high cholesterol, and even Alzheimer's, depression and ADHD/ADD.

Indeed, it's about as close as you can get to a "miracle cure," and best of all, it's natural, and affordable.

But what are the suggested fish oil dosages? Here's what medical experts recommend for three particular individuals.

1) Healthy Adults

The US National Institutes of Health recommends a total daily intake of 650 mg of EPA and DHA, the main essential fatty acids you'll find in fish oil. Other experts suggest more--up to 1,000 mg per day.

If you currently have a health condition, such as high cholesterol or heart disease, you may want to increase this amount. Talk to your doctor.

2) Pregnant Women

Proper omega 3 supplementation is especially important for women who are pregnant, or nursing. Getting ample amounts of these nutrients aids in the child's brain development.

Experts recommend women take 500 - 600 mg of DHA every day during pregnancy and lactation. The easiest way to get this amount of DHA is to take a supplement that has a high content of this fatty acid.

This is a key point that I discuss in more detail on my web site.

3) Children

Children should ingest 450 - 500 mg of omega 3 fatty acids per day. Although you can purchase supplements designed especially for kids, this isn't really necessary. In our household, we simply cut a soft gel in half and squeeze it into yogurt or another tasty treat. Our children don't even notice the taste.

Research demonstrates that children who get the recommended daily fish oil dosage experience improved concentration at school, and fewer behavioral issues. Such children are much more likely to grow up into healthy, well-adjusted adults.

Now that you're armed with this information about fish oil dosage, you're ready for the next step. Learn about the pure omega 3 supplements that my family and I currently use. Visit my web site now.

Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Do You Need For Optimum Health?
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Video Clips. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at

Keywords: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest No URL

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Not sure as to what the recommended dosage of fish oil is per day? This article discusses just this and how to calculate how much you should be taking on a daily basis.

This article assumes that you haven't bought a supplement yet. If you already have, you can still benefit from reading the rest of this article, but you should read the label and find out what they recommend you take.

Fish Oil Supplements Dosage

Most medical experts say that an average healthy individual should take around 2 to 4 grams of an omega-3 supplement daily. But figuring out how much you should take isn't that easy....

Dosage of Fish Oil - What's the Recommended Dosage of Fish Oil Per Day?

One of your top goals when choosing which brand of supplement to go with is getting one that's high in DHA omega-3 fatty acids and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. These are the most beneficial forms of omega-3 for your health and are most readily-available to your body.

The recommended dosage of fish oil EPA/DHA omega-3s (combined) is about 650 mg a day. Unfortunately, the average person in all of North America only consumes around 120 to 130 mg a day, which is only about one-fifth of the suggested amount.

Instead of just taking the 2 to 4 gram recommended dosage of fish oil per day, you're much better off calculating how much you have to take in order to get at least 650 mg of DHA and EPA (combined) each day.

But still try to not take more that 4 grams of a fish oil supplement a day. With a quality omega-3 DHA/EPA supplement, you should only have to take 2 capsules a day. That works out to being 2 grams daily.

Always find out what type of fish is used to make a supplement and how much DHA and EPA is in each capsule before buying it. Getting a brand that's oils contain high levels of DHA and EPA is one of the best things you can do to assure you get all the great health benefits of omega-3 supplements.

Seeing that most people don't consume nearly as much DHA and EPA omega-3s on a daily basis, I strongly believe that there would be far less heart disease, brain and memory conditions, inflammatory disorders, and behavioral conditions if more people started to take a omega-3 supplement.

Dosage of Fish Oil - What's the Recommended Dosage of Fish Oil Per Day?
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Tube. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at

Tags: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest No URL

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The Truth About Fish Oil Dosage

Let's face it, when we start looking at new supplements we've heard are beneficial, the dosages are typically shrouded in mystery. How do you determine fish oil dosage? Can we treat it like medication and simply use body weight and age, or is there more to the picture than that? Is there even a need to define a dosage when it comes to fish oil supplements? Is there such a thing as "too little" or "too much" fish oil?

The question of determining fish oil dosage needs to be answered not in terms of age and weight, but rather in terms of eicosanoid balance.

Fish Oil Supplements Dosage

Eicosanoids (Eye-ko-sun-oids) and You

The Truth About Fish Oil Dosage

Eicosanoids can be generally defined as signaling molecules within the body that play vital roles in nearly every bodily process. They are derived from omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and can either work vastly in your favor to promote longevity and freedom from chronic illness, or they can work against you in the exact opposite manner causing early mental and physical breakdown.

Good Eicosanoids

Good eicosanoids are derived from omega 3 fatty acids typically found in fresh fish, walnuts, fish oil supplements, flax seeds, sprouts, algae and kale. The "good" eicosanoids will provide your body with tremendous benefit. For example:

Blood thinning and clot reduction Dilation of the arteries increasing blood flow to the body and more importantly, the brain. Reduced physical pain and inflammation Decreased rates of cell division A stronger immune system Improved brain function due to better blood flow

Bad Eicosanoids

Bad eicosanoids, as their name implies, are not helpful in the least. We can treat them as doing the exact opposite of what the good ones do. If the bad eicosanoids present in your body are not sufficiently counteracted with daily intake of omega 3, you will experience inflammation, memory problems, fatigue, depression and a whole host of other chronic conditions.

So, what does this all have to do with fish oil dosage? Well, the goal we want to focus on is maintaining proper balance between the "good" and the "bad" eicosanoids. The "bad" are created directly from omega 6 sources like soybean oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, saturated fats and trans-fats. You should avoid these as much as possible to keep your bad eicosanoids to a minimum.

The "good" on the other hand come from daily intake of omega 3 fatty acids. The best source for this is undoubtedly high fish oil dosage supplements, but you can also get your intake from pumpkin seeds or flax. Since the concentration of omega 3 in these sources is relatively low, you would need to consume large quantities to get the proper amount. This is why high fish oil dosage supplements are so desirable.

Back to the Dosage Question

So, exactly what fish oil dosage do we need to consume on a daily basis? Well, the answer is not in your weight, or age. The fish oil dosage question can be answered by taking a good look at how you feel and what your overall health is like.

Are you always tired? Do you have body aches and inflammation? Are you feeling like you have diminished mental capacity? Are you having trouble focusing? Do you have a short attention span? Do you have hypertension?

There are many other maladies bad eicosanoids can cause, but if you answered "yes" to most or all of these questions, you should start on 3-4 grams per day. In some people with more severe forms of chronic diseases, it is not uncommon for the fish oil dosage to be close to 10g. At the same time you should start to reduce your intake of foods that contain omega 6. Remember, the goal here is to boost the good eicosanoids with omega 3 and reduce the bad eicosanoids by reducing omega 6.

If you are on any type of blood thinning medication like Coumadin, you should speak with your doctor before ever ingesting fish oil supplements. Since fish oil supplements thin the blood, it is important to consider how this effect combines with the blood thinning effects of Coumadin.

On the other hand, if you answered "yes" to one or two of these questions you're probably still in the first 2-3 decades of life and in great shape. You should only take about 1-2 grams daily for maintenance and prevention of chronic conditions. Your body will thank you later.

You also want to make sure that the fish oil you use is molecularly distilled. Molecular distillation removes mercury and contaminants from fish oil making it a very safe and cost effective way of getting your daily omega 3 intake.

To learn more about the high dosage fish oil supplement I use daily to maintain good eicosanoid balance, please visit my website today.

The Truth About Fish Oil Dosage
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Tube. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at

Tags: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest No URL

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High Dose Fish Oil: Beneficial or Harmful?

High Dose Fish Oil & Omega 3 Fish Oil Side Effects

Studies related to high dose fish oil have not, to this point, revealed any detrimental side effects. Recommended dosages vary from two to five grams per day. The average fish oil capsule contains only about a half a gram. Five grams is equivalent to about one teaspoon.

Fish Oil Supplements Dosage

The common side effects of fish oil include a fishy aftertaste and in a few cases diarrhea. Omega 3 benefits to the heart, brain and other systems far outweigh the omega 3 fish oil side effects. One thing to be cautious of, however, is that fish oil is a blood thinner. Therefore, if you are already using blood thinners (such as aspirin) be sure to let your doctor know you intend to take fish oils so he or she can monitor you.

High Dose Fish Oil: Beneficial or Harmful?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends no more than two grams of fish oil per day from a fish oil supplement. This recommendation is not due to additional known side effects from high dose fish oil supplementation per se, but because the FDA is concerned about risks associated with fish oil contamination.

If unsafe levels of mercury are present, omega 3 fish oil side effects will be like those of mercury poisoning. Smart consumers will avoid this possibility by purchasing molecularly distilled fish oil or pharmaceutical grade fish oil. These fish oils will contain no impurities and therefore make high dose fish oil supplementation much safer.

If you are using high dose fish oil, try taking it with food rather than on an empty stomach and this may help to get rid of the fish aftertaste and "fishy tasting burps". In rare cases where diarrhea was noted, lowering the dosage slightly was effective.

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly those found in fish oil, may play an important role in preventing heart disease, reducing triglycerides in the blood stream, improving the ratio of good to bad cholesterol in the blood stream and much more.

High Dose Fish Oil

One of the best fish oils comes from New Zealand. The fish source is the Hoki fish, which is naturally high in omega-3 fatty acids and swims in very clean waters, so the possibility of contamination in low, but manufacturers still purify the oil using molecular distillation technology. For those considering high dose fish oil supplemetation this is probably the best choice and the ones we use ourselves.

High Dose Fish Oil: Beneficial or Harmful?
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Tube. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at

Keywords: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest No URL

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