Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Do You Need For Optimum Health?
If you've heard about the numerous health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, you've probably wondered about proper fish oil dosage. It's an important question, and the answer depends upon the individual. In this article, we'll cover the recommended supplementation for three particular cases, which should give you enough information to decide what's best for you.
But first, why take a fish oil supplement anyway? The answer lies in human biology: our brains are comprised of 60% fats, and about half of that fat is DHA (short for docosahexaenoic acid). Our brains need sufficient omega3 in order to function properly.
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Unfortunately, the majority of us don't get enough of this important nutrient in our daily diets. This results in a host of diseases and ailments that could be prevented, or reduced, with some quality supplementation.
Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Do You Need For Optimum Health?
Research has shown that omega 3 essential fatty acids can prevent coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and rheumatoid arthritis aches and pains. And that's just for starters. It can guard against Crohn's Disease, inflammatory bowel disorder, high cholesterol, and even Alzheimer's, depression and ADHD/ADD.
Indeed, it's about as close as you can get to a "miracle cure," and best of all, it's natural, and affordable.
But what are the suggested fish oil dosages? Here's what medical experts recommend for three particular individuals.
1) Healthy Adults
The US National Institutes of Health recommends a total daily intake of 650 mg of EPA and DHA, the main essential fatty acids you'll find in fish oil. Other experts suggest more--up to 1,000 mg per day.
If you currently have a health condition, such as high cholesterol or heart disease, you may want to increase this amount. Talk to your doctor.
2) Pregnant Women
Proper omega 3 supplementation is especially important for women who are pregnant, or nursing. Getting ample amounts of these nutrients aids in the child's brain development.
Experts recommend women take 500 - 600 mg of DHA every day during pregnancy and lactation. The easiest way to get this amount of DHA is to take a supplement that has a high content of this fatty acid.
This is a key point that I discuss in more detail on my web site.
3) Children
Children should ingest 450 - 500 mg of omega 3 fatty acids per day. Although you can purchase supplements designed especially for kids, this isn't really necessary. In our household, we simply cut a soft gel in half and squeeze it into yogurt or another tasty treat. Our children don't even notice the taste.
Research demonstrates that children who get the recommended daily fish oil dosage experience improved concentration at school, and fewer behavioral issues. Such children are much more likely to grow up into healthy, well-adjusted adults.
Now that you're armed with this information about fish oil dosage, you're ready for the next step. Learn about the pure omega 3 supplements that my family and I currently use. Visit my web site now.
Fish Oil Dosage - How Much Fish Oil Do You Need For Optimum Health?
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Video Clips. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at
Keywords: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest
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