



Dosage of Fish Oil - What's the Recommended Dosage of Fish Oil Per Day?

Not sure as to what the recommended dosage of fish oil is per day? This article discusses just this and how to calculate how much you should be taking on a daily basis.

This article assumes that you haven't bought a supplement yet. If you already have, you can still benefit from reading the rest of this article, but you should read the label and find out what they recommend you take.

Fish Oil Supplements Dosage

Most medical experts say that an average healthy individual should take around 2 to 4 grams of an omega-3 supplement daily. But figuring out how much you should take isn't that easy....

Dosage of Fish Oil - What's the Recommended Dosage of Fish Oil Per Day?

One of your top goals when choosing which brand of supplement to go with is getting one that's high in DHA omega-3 fatty acids and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. These are the most beneficial forms of omega-3 for your health and are most readily-available to your body.

The recommended dosage of fish oil EPA/DHA omega-3s (combined) is about 650 mg a day. Unfortunately, the average person in all of North America only consumes around 120 to 130 mg a day, which is only about one-fifth of the suggested amount.

Instead of just taking the 2 to 4 gram recommended dosage of fish oil per day, you're much better off calculating how much you have to take in order to get at least 650 mg of DHA and EPA (combined) each day.

But still try to not take more that 4 grams of a fish oil supplement a day. With a quality omega-3 DHA/EPA supplement, you should only have to take 2 capsules a day. That works out to being 2 grams daily.

Always find out what type of fish is used to make a supplement and how much DHA and EPA is in each capsule before buying it. Getting a brand that's oils contain high levels of DHA and EPA is one of the best things you can do to assure you get all the great health benefits of omega-3 supplements.

Seeing that most people don't consume nearly as much DHA and EPA omega-3s on a daily basis, I strongly believe that there would be far less heart disease, brain and memory conditions, inflammatory disorders, and behavioral conditions if more people started to take a omega-3 supplement.

Dosage of Fish Oil - What's the Recommended Dosage of Fish Oil Per Day?
Fish Oil Supplements Dosage
Fish Oil Supplement: The Right Omega-3 Dosage Tube. Duration : 0.68 Mins. Some people take two capsules a day, while others take just one. It all depends on your body's need. Test your omega-3 IQ at http VO: How much Omega-3 do you need? Interviewee#1: The Omega-3 dosage I take is one capsule in the morning, it says 1-2 Interviewee#2: See my mom, now my mom is 80 and youre not, my mom is taking 2 500mg capsules a day. Interviewee#3: I do not know the right dosage other then what the container tells me Interviewee#2: I mean shes like a walking oil factory Interviewee#5: I dont know. Ive never read erm, that theres a recommended dose of Omega-3 Interviewee#6: Yep just one daily supplement, thats like huge, gigantic Super: everyones Omega3 needs are different. Interviewee#6: yeah its like this big VO: test your omega-3 IQ at

Tags: vitamin, supplement, fish oil, fatty acid, dosage, omega 3, dha, epa, heart health, newharvest No URL

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